GoDigiInfotech: kondhwa's Best Tech Institute & Training Center

Certified Best Professional Android developers Course With 100% Placement Guarantee

The top android application development courses is offered by GodigiInfotech. This in-depth android course for students who wish to work in the coding industry or as Android developers.

Enroll at GoDigi Institute today for a life-changing experience in both front-end & back-end technologies.

  • Not Satisfied With Trainers? 100% Money Back Gurentee
  • Best Industrial Experts
  • 100% Job Placement
  • Full Days Offline Internship
  • Mock Interviews
  • Resume Building
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Beginner level:

No prior experience is required to become Digital marketer.

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Study time

Schedule unstructured study periods for approximately ten hours each week.

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What GodigiInfotech is going to teach you?

Here at best android training institute, we start Java & Kotlin foundations will be taught during the initial part of android app development. After that, Android studio, app architecture intricacies as well as UI/UX design principles will be dealt with in android courses. Students shall also acquire skills on integrating APIs into their apps; working with databases & user authentication management. Our experienced trainers have been in the industry for long hence they provide hands-on experience through real-life projects & live scenarios.


Introduction to Android Development

About Mobile Apps:

  • Why we Need Mobile Apps
  • Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
  • Briefly about Android

About Android:

  • History Behind Android Development
  • What is Android?
  • Pre-requisites to learn Android
  • Brief Discussion on Java Programming

Coding Standard:

  • Coding standard and its importance
  • Java coding standard
  • Android coding standard
  • Unit level Testing


Android Architecture & Modules

Android Architecture:

  • Overview of Android Stack
  • Android Features
  • Introduction to OS layers

Deep Overview in Android Stack

  • Linux Kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Runtime
  • Application Framework
  • Dalvik VM


Android Advance Modules

Installing Android Machine:

  • Configuring Android Stack
  • Setting up Android Studio
  • Working with Android Studio
  • Using Older Android Tools

Creating Android Application:

  • Creating Android Project
  • Debugging Application through DDMS
  • Setting up environment
  • AVD Creation
  • Executing Project on Android Screen

Android Components

  • Activities
  • Services
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Content Providers

Hello World App

  • Creating your first project
  • The manifest file
  • Layout resource
  • Running your app on Emulator

Building UI with Activities

  • Activities Views, layouts and Common UI components
  • Creating UI through code and XML
  • Activity lifecycle
  • Intents
  • Communicating data among Activities
Advanced UI
  • Selection components (GridView, ListView, Spinner )
  • Adapters, Custom Adapters
  • Complex UI components
  • Building UI for performance
  • Menus
  • Creating custom and compound Views
  • Toast, Custom Toast
  • Dialogs
  • Status bar Notifications
  • Using Java Multithreading classes
  • AsyncTask
  • Handler
  • Intents
  • Post
  • Styles And Themes
  • Creating and Applying simple Style
  • Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
  • Using Styles as themes
  • Resources and Assets
  • Android Resource
  • Using resources in XML and code
  • Localization
  • Handling Runtime configuration changes
Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers
  • Role of filters
  • Intent-matching rules
  • Filters in your manifest
  • Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
  • Creating Broadcast receiver
  • Receiving System Broadcast
  • Understanding Broadcast action, category and data
  • Registering Broadcast receiver through code and through XML
  • Sending Broadcast
Content Providers
  • Accessing built in content providers
  • Content provider MIME types
  • Searching for content
  • Adding, changing, and removing content
  • Creating content provider
  • Working with content files
  • Overview of services in Android
  • Implementing a Service
  • Service lifecycle
  • Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)
Multimedia in Android
  • Multimedia Supported audio formats
  • Simple media playback
  • Supported video formats
  • Simple video playback
Location Based Services and Google Maps
  • Using Location Based Services
  • Finding current location and listening for changes in location
  • Proximity alerts
  • Working with Google Maps
  • Showing google map in an Activity
  • Map Overlays
  • Itemized overlays
  • Geocoder
  • Displaying route on map
Web Services and WebView
  • Consuming web services
  • Receiving HTTP Response (XML, JSON )
  • Parsing JSON and XML
  • Using WebView
  • How Sensors work
  • Using Orientation and Accelerometer sensors
  • Best practices for performance
  • Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
  • Managing active connections
  • Managing WiFi networks
Telephony Services
  • Making calls
  • Monitoring data connectivity and activity
  • Accessing phone properties and status
  • Controlling the phone
  • Sending messages
  • Taking pictures
  • Media Recorder
  • Rendering previews
  • Controlling local Bluetooth device
  • Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
  • Managing Bluetooth connections
  • Communicating with Bluetooth
  • Fragments
  • Material Design
  • Gradle
Expert Course Content
  • Material Design
  • Firebase Introduction
  • Runtime Permissions & Security
  • Memory Profiling
  • Android Application Deployment
  • Web Services and WebView
  • Google volley
  • Receiving http response
  • Various Image Loading
  • JSON Parsing
Deployment of App Play Store
  • Creating and deployment
  • Analysing app
  • Android Market/App Store
  • Securing Android app
Other Technology
  • Git
  • Vector Image
  • Minimizing Size of apk
  • Multiple Screen Support


Data Storage

  • Shared Preferences
  • Android File System
  • Internal storage
  • External storage
  • SQLite
    • Introducing SQLite
    • SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
    • Opening and closing a database
    • Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
  • Network


Android Development Project

Developing a complete web application from scratch that integrates the frontend and backend technologies learned during this course.

  • 3 Projects
    • E-Commerce Mobile Application
    • CRM Mobile Application
    • LMS Mobile Application
  • Get a chance to work on Live Project Modules
  • Project Deployment
  • SDLC Basic
  • Portfolio Building
  • Code Optimization


Version Control & Deployment

  • Git & GitHub – Managing your codebase as well as collaborating with other developers .
    • Basic Git Commands
    • Create GitHub account
    • Connect GIt and GitHub
    • Push your first Project on GitHub
    • Commits and Generate PR
    • Resolve Conflicts
  • Deployment – Knowing how to deploy applications on platforms such as AWS etc.
    • How to purchase domain name
    • How to host website
    • Connect with FileZilla


Soft Skills & Interview Preparation
  • Problem Solving – Developing critical thinking abilities necessary for solving complex coding challenges.
  • Collaboration – Working effectively within teams; an important skill in any development environment.
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Preparation
  • How to Crack Interviews

Programming Languages & Tools Covered in android app development Course

  • html logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • swift logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • C logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • obj-c logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • Android_Logo logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • kotlin logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • android_emulator logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • C++ logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course
  • android_sdk logo -GoDigi InfoTech -android app development Course

Certificate You Will Get

godigi certificate image

Successfully complete the Full Stack Development training to get a GodigiInfotech proffessional Certificate. Our Certified courses in kondhwa frequently feature a clear curriculum and are made to give thorough instruction, guaranteeing that you become knowledgeable and proficient in the field. Your employment prospects can be greatly improved by taking certified courses from one of the best institiute in kondhwa . We can give you the credentials and specialised expertise that companies in particular fields or occupations are looking for.

Covered Projects

Project 1

Customer Relation Module/ Content management System

  • Departement Management
  • Role Management
  • User Management
  • Prospect Management
  • Task Management
  • API Integration
  • Dynamic Dashboard
  • Reports System
  • GIT & GIT Hub

Project 2

E-Commerce Website with Advanced search Technique & Live Tracking

  • Products Management
  • Dynamic Filters
  • User Management
  • Cart Management
  • Orders Management
  • API Integration
  • Dynamic Dashboard
  • Reports System
  • GIT & GIT Hub

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