GoDigiInfotech: sainath-nagar's Best Tech Institute & Training Center

Certified Best Professional Web Designing Course With 100% Placement Guarantee

Welcome to the Professional best Website Designing course with certification by GodigiInfotech! Our course is designed in such a way that whether one is looking for a web designing course in sainath-nagar or planning on becoming a web designer, they will find GodigiInfotech is the best web designing training institute in sainath-nagar.

Here's what makes us stand out:

  • Not Satisfied With Trainers? 100% Money Back Gurentee
  • Best Industrial Experts
  • 100% Job Placement
  • Full Days Offline Internship
  • Mock Interviews
  • Resume Building
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Beginner level

No prior experience required to become full-stack developer.

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Study time

You should study approx 2-4 hours every day for better understanding.

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What GodigiInfotech is going to teach you?

Our all-inclusive website designing course at GoDigiInfotech was made with the aim of turning you into a skilled web designer. A wide range of important topics are covered including HTML & CSS basics to more complex areas such as JavaScript, responsive design & web animation. Students will be taught how to create attractive websites which are user friendly through utilization of current design principles and tools. Web Design & Development Course puts an emphasis on practical skills by allowing learners work on wireframing, prototyping as well as user experience (UX) design through hands-on experience with real-life projects.


Understanding Web Design

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to full stack development, covering both front-end and back-end technologies. Participants will learn to build, deploy, and manage web applications, gaining hands-on experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server-side programming, databases, and version control systems.
Course Objectives:

  • Understand the fundamentals of full stack development.
  • Develop proficiency in front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Gain knowledge of back-end development with Node.js and Express.
  • Learn about databases, RESTful APIs, and server-side rendering.
  • Familiarize with version control using Git and GitHub.
  • Build and deploy a full stack web application.


Front-End Technologies

This course offers an in-depth exploration of front-end technologies, emphasizing the creation of responsive, dynamic, and interactive web applications. Participants will gain mastery over HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and bootstrap framework, equipping them with the skills necessary to become proficient front-end developers.

Front-End Objectives:

  • Master the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Learn to create responsive and accessible web designs.
  • Gain proficiency in front-end libraries.
  • Develop skills to build and deploy interactive web applications.

Introduction to Front-End Design

  • Overview of front-end design
  • Roles and responsibilities of a front-end developer
  • Understanding the web design stack
  • Course structure and objectives

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

  • Introduction to HTML
    • Basics of HTML and its role in web development
    • Structure of an HTML document
    • Common HTML elements and their usage
  • HTML Components
    • Text formatting tags: headings, paragraphs, spans, divs
    • Creating lists: ordered (ol), unordered (ul), and definition lists (dl)
    • Linking within a page and to external pages: anchor tags (a)
    • Embedding images: image tags (img) with attributes like src, alt, title
  • Forms and Inputs
    • Form elements: form, input, textarea, button, select, option
    • Input types: text, password, email, number, date, etc.
    • Form validation: required attributes, pattern matching, custom validations
    • Form submission methods: GET and POST

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Introduction to CSS
    • CSS syntax: selectors, properties, and values
    • Inline, internal, and external CSS
    • CSS specificity and inheritance
  • CSS Layouts
    • Box model: margins, borders, padding, and content
    • Display properties: block, inline, inline-block, none
    • Positioning elements: static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky
    • Flexbox: flex containers, flex items, flex direction, justify-content, align-items
    • CSS Grid: grid containers, grid items, grid lines, areas, and templates
  • Responsive Design\
    • Media queries: breakpoints for different screen sizes
    • Fluid layouts: percentage-based widths, max-width, and min-width
    • Responsive images: srcset, sizes, and picture element
    • Mobile-first design principles
  • Advanced CSS
    • CSS animations: keyframes, transitions, and transforms
    • Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements (::before, ::after)
    • Using CSS preprocessors: Sass basics (variables, nesting, mixins)

JavaScript (JS)

  • Introduction to JavaScript
    • JavaScript basics: syntax, data types, variables (var, let, const)
    • Operators: arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment
    • Conditional statements: if, else, switch
    • Loops: for, while, do-while
    • Functions: declaration, expression, arrow functions, scope, and closures
  • DOM Manipulation
    • Selecting elements: getElementById, getElementsByClassName, querySelector
    • Manipulating elements: innerHTML, textContent, style, classList
    • Event handling: addEventListener, event object, event delegation
  • Advanced JavaScript
    • Arrays and objects: array methods (map, filter, reduce), object properties
    • JSON: parsing JSON, JSON.stringify
    • AJAX: making asynchronous requests with XMLHttpRequest and Fetch API
    • ES6+ features: template literals, destructuring, spread/rest operators, promises, async/await
  • Client-Side Validation
    • Validating form inputs using JavaScript
    • Regular expressions for pattern matching
    • Providing real-time feedback to users

BootStrap Framework

  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Bootstrap Plug-Ins & many more

Testing and Debugging

  • Debugging JavaScript with browser developer tools
  • Writing unit tests with Testing Library
  • End-to-end testing with Cypress

Performance Optimization

  • Minimizing and optimizing assets
  • Lazy loading and code splitting
  • Best practices for performance

Capstone Project

  • Project Planning and Design
    • Defining project scope and requirements
    • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Development and Implementation
    • Building a responsive and interactive web application
    • Integrating HTML, CSS, JavaScript0, jQuery and Bootstrap
  • Testing and Deployment
    • Conducting thorough testing and debugging
    • Deploying the application to a web server (e.g., Netlify, Vercel)
  • Presentation and Evaluation
    • Presenting the project to peers and instructors
    • Receiving feedback and final assessment


Back-End Technologies

Back end provides provides an in-depth exploration of back-end technologies, focusing on PHP, advanced PHP and OOP concepts, and the CodeIgniter framework. Participants will learn how to build robust, scalable, and secure server-side applications, develop dynamic web pages, and manage databases effectively.

Back End Objectives:

  • PHP Introduction
  • Foundation of Oops with PHP
  • Variables, Constants, Datatypes
  • Operators and Control Structures
  • Looping Statements
  • Arrays and For each Loop
  • PHP Functions
  • Sessions in PHP


SEO Concepts

  • Fundamentals of SEO
  • Significance of SEO
  • Fundamentals of On-page Optimization
  • File Optimization
  • Title Optimization
  • Meta Tags creation
  • Footer Optimization


Live Website Design Project Development

Developing a complete website from scratch that integrates the frontend and backend technologies learned during this course.

  • 3 Projects
    • E-Commerce Website Design
    • CRM/LMS Web Application Design
    • Marketing Email Templets Design
  • Get a chance to work on Live Project Modules
  • Project Deployment
  • SDLC Basic
  • Portfolio Building
  • Code Optimization


Version Control & Deployment

  • Git & GitHub – Managing your codebase as well as collaborating with other developers .
    • Basic Git Commands
    • Create GitHub account
    • Connect GIt and GitHub
    • Push your first Project on GitHub
    • Commits and Generate PR
    • Resolve Conflicts
  • Deployment – Knowing how to deploy applications on platforms such as AWS etc.
    • How to purchase domain name
    • How to host website
    • Connect with FileZilla


Soft Skills & Interview Preparation
  • Problem Solving – Developing critical thinking abilities necessary for solving complex coding challenges.
  • Collaboration – Working effectively within teams; an important skill in any development environment.
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Preparation
  • How to Crack Interviews

Programming Languages & Tools Covered in Web Design Course

  • Canva logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • dreamweaver logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • indesign logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • sketch logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • xd jquery -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • figma logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • bootstrap logo -GoDigi InfoTech -Web Design
  • wordpress logo -GoDigi InfoTech-Web Design

Certificate You Will Get

godigi certificate image

Successfully complete the Full Stack Development training to get a GodigiInfotech proffessional Certificate. Our Certified courses in sainath-nagar frequently feature a clear curriculum and are made to give thorough instruction, guaranteeing that you become knowledgeable and proficient in the field. Your employment prospects can be greatly improved by taking certified courses from one of the best institiute in sainath-nagar . We can give you the credentials and specialised expertise that companies in particular fields or occupations are looking for.

Covered Projects

Project 1

E-Commerce Website with Responsive Mobile Friendly

  • Navigation
  • Search Bar with Filters
  • Product Pages with Image Gallery
  • Cart and Checkout
  • User Account
  • Search and Filtering
  • Marketing and Promotions
  • Customer Support
  • GIT & GIT Hub

Project 2

Marketing Email Templete Design

  • Header & Hero Section
  • Personalized Content with Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons
  • Promotional Section
  • Social Proof & Ratings
  • Secondary CTA
  • Responsive Design
  • Interactive Elements
  • Brand Consistency
  • Accessibility & Logical Structure

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