GoDigiInfotech: wagholi's Best Tech Institute & Training Center

Certified Best Professional Software Testing Course With 100% Placement Guarantee

The software testing training in wagholi certification program is offered by GodigiInfotech. This in-depth course on software testing course with placement is intended for students who wish to work in the tech industry or as Software Tester.

Enroll at GoDigi Institute today for a life-changing experience in both front-end & back-end technologies.

  • Not Satisfied With Trainers? 100% Money Back Gurentee
  • Best Industrial Experts
  • 100% Job Placement
  • Full Days Offline Internship
  • Mock Interviews
  • Resume Building
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No prior experience is required to become a android developer.

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Schedule unstructured study periods for approximately ten hours each week.

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What GodigiInfotech is going to teach you?

At GodigiInfotech industrial expert will guide you through real-world projects & hands-on exercises to gain practical experience. You will reform various types of testing, including functional, performance, regression, & security testing. Enrol today for software testing course with placement at GoDigiInfotech & start your journey to becoming a skilled software tester.


Introduction to Software testing
Manual Testing Course Syllabus
  • Introduction to testing
  • Verification vs validation
  • Types of Applications
  • Probabilities of getting an error in an application
  • SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle
    • Waterfall
    • Prototype
    • Spiral
    • Incremental (Agile methodology and Scrum Framework)
    • V-Model
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of each software development life cycle
  • Principles of Testing
  • STLC –Software Testing Life Cycle
  • Difference between Test case, Use case and Scenario.
  • How to prepare test plan and strategy
  • How to prepare a test case template?
  • Difference between Error, bug, defect, and failure
  • Test Case Design Technique
    • Boundary Value Analysis
    • Equivalence Partitioning
    • Decision Table
    • State Transition Diagram
    • Use Case Testing
  • Bug Life cycle
  • How to Prepare the Bug template?
  • Bug Tracking tool
  • Types of Testing
  • Difference between Static and Dynamic testing
  • Difference between Functional and Non-functional testing
  • Black box testing and its types
  • White box testing and its types
  •  System Integration Testing vs User Acceptance Testing
  • Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria
  • Test Environment and Test data preparation
  • Flow graph notations
    • Statement coverage
    • Branch Coverage
    • path coverage
    • Cyclometric Complexity
  • Integration testing
    • Big Bang Integration
    • Incremental Approach – Top-Down, Bottom-up, and Hybrid
  • Requirement traceability matrix


software testing

The Automation Testing Syllabus, created by experts at Besant Technologies, is the tool trainers use to establish course expectations. Individuals interested in taking automation testing training must be familiar with the course content to understand things properly during the course classes. Code analysis, unit tests, and integration tests are a few essential topics

  1. Pre-Selenium
  2. Selenium
  3. Post-Selenium


  1. Pre-Selenium

Core Java

  • Setup Java environment – Download JDK and Setup eclipse
  • Keywords and Syntax
  • variables, operators, and control flows
  • OOPs overview from Java context
  • Conditions, Loops, Access and non-access modifiers
  • Exception Handling, File and DB handling
  • Collections overview, and ArrayList example

Introduction to Java Programming Environment

  • How to Install & set Path.
  • A Simple Java Program
  • Compiling & executing Java Program
  • Phases of Java Program
  • Analysis of a Java Program
  • Analysis of a Java Program
  • Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error
  • Runtime Exception
  • Name of a Java Source File
  • Platform Independency
  • Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
  • Features of Java
  • Text Editors
  • Consoles

Fundamentals of Java Programming

  • Naming convention of Java language
  • Comments
  • Statements
  • Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
  • Identifiers
  • Keywords
  • Literals
  • Primitive Data Types, Range
  • Reference (User defined) Data type
  • Variables (Primitive, Reference)
  • Type Casting, Default Value
  • Operators
  • Program/Interview question
  • Control Structures

Input Fundamentals and Datatypes in Java

  • Java program inputs from Keyboard
  • Methods of Keyboard inputs
  • Scanner, Buffered Reader
  • Problem Solving
  • Java Array
  • What is Array
  • Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
  • Instantiation of an Array
  • String vs character array.Accessing Array
  • JElements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs
  • Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
  • Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Application Compilation and Run

Object Oriented Programming

  • Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program
  • Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
  • Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach
  • Introduction to Object Oriented
  • Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
  • Polymorphism
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects
  • Custom Class Definition
  • Instance and Static Variables
  • Different ways to create Object Instance
  • Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class
  • Constructors, types of Constructor
  • Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
  • Static Variable and it’s use.
  • Methods and their behavior.
  • Constructor vs Methods
  • “this” Keyword
  • Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
  • Call by value, Call by reference

Command-Line Arguments

  • What is a Command-Line Argument?
  • Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
  • Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
  • Passing Command-Line Arguments
  • Using methods (Static , Non Static)

Integrated Development Environment

  • Using various Editors
  • Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
  • Using Eclipse IDE
  • Project Set Up
  • Source File Generation
  • Application Compilation and Run

Inner Class

  • First View of Inner Class
  • Outer Class Access
  • Types of Inner Class


  • Complete concepts of Inheritance
  • Sub-Classes
  • Object Classes
  • Constructor Calling Chain
  • The use of “super” Keyword
  • The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
  • Reference Casting

Abstract Classes and Inheritance

  • Introduction to Abstract Methods
  • Abstract Classes and Interface
  • Interface as a Type
  • Interface v/s Abstract Class
  • Interface Definition
  • Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
  • Interfaces’ Inheritance
  • How to create object of Interface
  • Introduction to Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Overloading Methods
  • Overriding Methods
  • Hiding Methods
  • Final Class and Method
  • “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
  • Association Vs Aggregation


  • Package and Class path and its use
  • First look into Packages
  • First look into Class path
  • Class path Setting
  • Class Import
  • Package Import
  • Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
  • Namespace Management
  • Package vs. Header File
  • Creating and Using the Sub Package
  • Sources and Class Files Management

Using Predefined Package & Other Classes

  • Java.lang Hierarchy
  • Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
  • Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
  • Primitives and Wrapper Class
  • Math Class
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
  • String Constant Pool
  • Wrapper Classes
  • System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.

New Concepts in Package

  • Auto boxing and Auto unboxing
  • Static import
  • Instance of operator.
  • Enum and its use in Java
  • Working with jar

Garbage Collection

  • Garbage Collection Introduction
  • Advantages of Garbage Collection
  • Garbage Collection Procedure
  • Java API

Exception Handling

  • Introduction to Exceptions
  • Effects of Exceptions
  • Exception Handling Mechanism
  • Try, catch, finally blocks
  • Unchecked Exception
  • Throw & throws keyword
  • Custom Exception Class
  • Chained Exception.
  • Resource handling & multiple exception class


  • Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
  • Run() and start() method
  • Constructor of Thread Class
  • Various Method of Thread Class
  • Runnable Interface Implementation
  • Thread Group
  • Thread States and Priorities
  • Synchronization method, block
  • Class & Object Level Lock
  • Deadlock & its Prevention
  • Inter thread Synchronization
  • Life Cycle of Thread
  • Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(), resume(), etc

Input and Output Streams

  • Types of Streams
  • Stream Class Hierarchy
  • Using File Class
  • Copy and Paste the content of a file
  • Byte Streams vs Character Streams
  • Text File vs Binary File
  • Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
  • Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
  • Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
  • primitive data
  • PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile


  • Using Object Streams to read/write object
  • Transient Keyword
  • Serialization Process
  • Deserialization Process

Collection Framework

  • Generics(Templates)
  • What is generic
  • Creating User defined Generic classes
  • The java.util package
  • Collection
  • What is Collection Framework
  • List, Set & Map interfaces
  • Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
  • Linked List, etc.
  • Using Collections class for sorting
  • Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
  • SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
  • Iterator, Enumerator.
  • Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
  • Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
  • Using Random class
  • Using Properties in a Java Program
  • Using user defined class for DataStructure
  • Using Date and Formatting Date class.
  • Interview related Question and Answer

SQL for Testers

  • Introduction to SQL
  • SQL Syntax
  • SQL Select, Distinct, Where
  • SQL And, Or, Not
  • SQL Order By
  • SQL Insert, Update, Delete
  • SQL Min and Max
  • SQL Count, Avg, Sum
  • SQL Like
  • SQL Wildcards
  • SQL In
  • SQL Between
  • SQL Aliases
  • SQL Joins
  • SQL Union
  • SQL Group By
  • SQL Having
  • SQL Any, All
  • SQL Case
  • SQL Stored Procedures
  • SQL Operators
  • SQL Create, Drop, Alter Table
  • SQL Constraints
  • SQL Not Null
  • SQL Unique
  • SQL Primary Key, Foreign Key
  • SQL Views
  • SQL Injection
  • SQL Data Types

  1. Post Selenium

Maven Project Management Tool

  • Introduction about maven
  • High-Level Overview
  • Ant vs Maven
  • Installation of Maven
  • Demo using Sample Maven Project

Version Control Tool GITHUB

  • Downloading and configuring Github
  • Difference between CVC Versus DVC
  • Basic Git Commands
  • Working with Repositories
  • Setting up Repositories
  • Local and Remote Repositories
  • Create repository and cloning projects
  • Committing and Syncing the code
  • Reverting and Rolling Back the Code
  • Branch and Merging Concepts and Implementation
  • Stashing Changes
  • Resolving the Conflicts

Continuous Integration Testing using Jenkins

  • About Jenkins
  • History of Jenkins
  • Splitting of Projects
  • What is Continuous Integration
  • Installing Jenkins
  • Creating a simple job
  • Integrating Jenkins to the Project


  • What is Ant
  • XSLT Report generation using TestNG and ANT
  • Building utility functions
  • Building BAT for project execution
  • Building BAT to run tests using ANT


  • JUnit’s Annotations
  • JUnit’s Methods
  • JUnit Test Suites
  • Ant Build and JUnit ReportingBuilding BAT for project execution


  • Logging Introduction
  • Log4J framework Introduction
  • Layout Introduction
  • Types of Layout
  • Appender Introduction
  • Types of Appender



Back end provides provides an in-depth exploration of back-end technologies, focusing on PHP, advanced PHP and OOP concepts, and the CodeIgniter framework. Participants will learn how to build robust, scalable, and secure server-side applications, develop dynamic web pages, and manage databases effectively.

Back End Objectives:

  • Master the fundamentals and advanced concepts of PHP.
  • Understand and implement the MVC architecture using CodeIgniter.
  • Develop dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • Learn best practices for database management and application security.

Introduction to Back-End Development

  • Overview of back-end development
  • Roles and responsibilities of a back-end developer
  • Understanding the web development stack
  • Course structure and objectives

PHP Fundamentals

  • Introduction to PHP
  • PHP language building blocks
  • Conditional Statements in PHP
  • Looping (Iteration) in PHP
  • Introducing ARRAY in PHP
  • Manipulation user input
  • Working with Forms
  • Reusing Code and Functions
  • Working with Files Uploading & Downloading
  • String Manipulation and Regular Expression
  • Session & State Management
  • Advance PHP Techniques
  • Building Rest API

Advanced PHP & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP

  • Introduction to OOP Concepts
  • Classes and Objects
  • Constructors and Destructors
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract classes
  • Advanced OOP Techniques
  • Error Handling and Exceptions
  • Working with Databases

CodeIgniter Framework

  • Getting Started with CodeIgniter
  • MVC Architecture in CodeIgniter
  • Working with Controllers
  • Working with Models
  • Working with Views
  • Form Validation and Security
  • Session Management
  • Email Handling
  • Building a Web Application with CodeIgniter
  • Admin Panel Integration
  • CI Rest API’s
  • Add to cart Functionality in CI
  • CI Pagination
  • CI Third Party Integrations



Introduction to Automation Testing

  • What is Automation Testing?
  • Advantages of Automation Testing?
  • Fundamentals of test automation
  • ROI in Automation
  • Automation framework
  • Various tools and comparison with Selenium

Introduction to Selenium

  • What is Selenium?
  • Components of Selenium Suite
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • Limitations of Selenium
  • What is Selenium WebDriver?
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

  • Why WebDriver?
  • Downloading webdriver Jars configuring in eclipse
  • What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
  • Features of Selenium
  • Selenium IDE – Overview with a couple of examples
  • WebDriver Architecture
  • Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Frameworks
  • Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc
  • What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?

Selenium IDE and RC Introduction

  • Installing Selenium IDE
  • Introduction to Selenium RC
  • “Selenese” – Selenium Commands
  • Actions, Asserts, Assessors
  • Developing Test Cases & Test Suites with Selenium-IDE

  1. Selenium

Introduction to Automation Testing

  • IWhat is Automation Testing?
  • Advantages of Automation Testing?
  • Fundamentals of test automation
  • ROI in Automation
  • Automation framework
  • Various tools and comparison with Selenium

Introduction to Selenium

  • What is Selenium?
  • Components of Selenium Suite
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • Limitations of Selenium
  • What is Selenium WebDriver?
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?
  • Why WebDriver?
  • Downloading webdriver Jars configuring in eclipse
  • What Selenium is and how it is used in the industry
  • Features of Selenium
  • Selenium IDE – Overview with a couple of examples
  • WebDriver Architecture
  • Installation of Selenium and supporting tools/Framework
  • Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc
  • What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?

Selenium IDE and RC Introduction

  • Installing Selenium IDE
  • Introduction to Selenium RC
  • “Selenese” – Selenium Commands
  • Actions, Asserts, Assessors.
  • Developing Test Cases & Test Suites with Selenium-IDE


  • eclipse-Oxygen
  • JDK 1.8
  • Firefox 47.0.1, firebug and file path
  • Set up TestNG, Maven and Selenium (2.53.1 &3.0 +) for eclipse

Locating Techniques

  • Simple WebDriver Program Demonstration
  • Basics of HTML page, tags, attributes, and visible texts
  • Importance of attributes in locating elements
  • Installation of Firebug and Firepath in Firefox browser
  • Locators and Eight Locating Techniques
  • Creating robust locators using CSS and XPath

WebDriver Basics – I

  • Execute Tests in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer
  • WebDriver Commands: Driving Browsers and Handling Cookies
  • WebElement Commands
  • Handling Various WebElements
  • WebDriver Timeout Methods

WebDriver Basics – II

  • Handling Multiple elements using find Elements() method
  • Handling Alerts, Pop-ups, and Frames
  • Limitation of Implicit Wait and how Explicit Wait helps
  • Advanced User Interactions
  • Taking Screenshots
  • Working with Firefox profiles
  • Handling File Uploads Using AutoIT
  • Introduction to Flash Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver


  • Arranging Tests in 3-As format
  • F.I.R.S.T Principles and SRP
  • Various Annotations in TestNG
  • TestNG configuration file
  • Configuration Annotations
  • Attributes of @Test
  • Parallel Test Execution Capability
  • Assertion APIs
  • Passing Parameters to Tests
  • Configuring Test Suites
  • Reports using TestNG
  • Reports using ReportNG

WebDriver – Framework

  • Introduction to various frameworks
  • Page Object Design Pattern
  • Data Driven Tests using TestNG and POI
  • Introduction to Maven and ANT
  • Use of Log4j
  • Use of Listeners
  • Typical components of a framework
  • Overview of BDD, TDD
  • Code Coverage in Java
  • Overview of Sikuli tool for UI testing
  • Introduction to Jenkins
  • Configuring Jenkins to invoke Selenium Tests

Selenium Grid

  • What is Selenium Grid?
  • When to Use Selenium Grid
  • Setting up Grid – Hub and Nodes?
  • Configuring TestNG.xml to run tests on Grid

Database testing using webdriver

  • Installing MySQL Database
  • sql package
  • Overview on Connection Interface, Statement Interface, Prepared Statement and Resultset Interfaces.
  • Example program to Access Database
  • Some examples on SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queries
  • Some Webdriver examples using Data fetched from Database
  • Automation Test Framework

Develop Test automation framework

  • What is a framework
  • Types of framework
  • Data driven framework
  • Modular driven framework
  • Keyword driven framework
  • User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation
  • Execute test scripts from the framework

BDD Framework with Cucumber

  • Agile Testing
  • Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
  • Advantages and Limitations of BDD
  • Cucumber Fundamentals
  • Gherkin Syntax in Cucumber
  • Step Definition for Cucumber Feature File
  • Advantages of Cucumber
  • Implementing BDD Framework using Cucumber

Project Execution

  • Automate an eCommerce Application
  • Test Automation Requirements Description
  • What Next? How to Start?
  • High Level Framework
  • Configurability—No To Hard-Coding
  • Modularity—Re-Use And DRY
  • Test Data Management
  • Logging And Reporting

Mobile App Test Automation Using Appium

  • Introduction Mobile App Test Automation
  • Introduction to Appium
  • UIAutomator with Appium
  • Locating Elements – UIAutomator framework
  • Desired Capabilities for Android


Version Control & Deployment

  • Git & GitHub – Managing your codebase as well as collaborating with other developers .
    • Basic Git Commands
    • Create GitHub account
    • Connect GIt and GitHub
    • Push your first Project on GitHub
    • Commits and Generate PR
    • Resolve Conflicts
  • Deployment – Knowing how to deploy applications on platforms such as AWS etc.
    • How to purchase domain name
    • How to host website
    • Connect with FileZilla


Soft Skills & Interview Preparation
  • Problem Solving – Developing critical thinking abilities necessary for solving complex coding challenges.
  • Collaboration – Working effectively within teams; an important skill in any development environment.
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Preparation
  • How to Crack Interviews

Programming Languages & Tools Covered in software testing Course

  • BDD logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • Log4j logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • JUnit logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • Pre-Selenium logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • ANT logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • Jenkins logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • SQL logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • java logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • mysql logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course
  • GITHUB logo -GoDigi InfoTech -software testing Course

Certificate You Will Get

godigi certificate image

Successfully complete the Full Stack Development training to get a GodigiInfotech proffessional Certificate. Our Certified courses in wagholi frequently feature a clear curriculum and are made to give thorough instruction, guaranteeing that you become knowledgeable and proficient in the field. Your employment prospects can be greatly improved by taking certified courses from one of the best institiute in wagholi . We can give you the credentials and specialised expertise that companies in particular fields or occupations are looking for.

Covered Projects

Project 1

Customer Relation Module/ Content management System

  • Departement Management Testing
  • Role Management Testing
  • User Management Testing
  • Prospect Management Testing
  • Task Management Testing
  • API Testing
  • Dynamic Dashboard Testing
  • Reports System
  • GIT & GIT Hub

Project 2

E-Commerce Website with Advanced search Technique & Live Tracking

  • Products Management
  • Dynamic Filters Testing
  • User Management Testing
  • Cart Management Testing
  • Orders Management Testing
  • API Testing
  • Dynamic Dashboard Testing
  • Reports System Testing
  • GIT & GIT Hub

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